Questions for Lifetime Planning for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
It’s important to consider the lifetime planning of a child with disabilities. When thinking about this, the plan should be comprehensive, covering various aspects of the child’s life. The following six areas should be considered:
장애 자녀의 평생계획을 생각하는 것은 중요하다. 이때 평생계획은 자녀가 다양한 범위 안에서 살펴보고 계획하는 것인데 크게 다음 6가지를 고려해 볼 수 있다.
- 주거: 어디에서, 누구와 살 것인가?
- 재정: 현재, 그리고 미래의 재정 상태는?
- 직업: 어떤 직업을, 어디에서 할 것인가?
- 교육: 평생교육은 무엇을 왜 원하는가?
- 여가: 좋아하는 여가 활동은 무엇인가?
- 후견인: 부모 사후 누가 돌볼 것인가?
The services are to be planned as a group and are intended to drive toward a result—they should not be haphazard or scattershot activities, but coordinated with each other to achieve that outcome or result. Preparing children with disabilities to “lead productive and independent adult lives, to the maximum extent possible” is one of IDEA’s stated objectives.