장애 유형

Types of Disabilities

IDEA가 분류한 장애 유형은 다음 13가지이다. 여기에 해당하는 3세~21세 학생이 서비스를 받을 수 있는 대상자가 된다:

  1. Autism 자폐/자폐스펙트럼 장애
  2. Blindness & Deafness (have both) 시-청각 장애
  3. Emotional disturbance 정서장애
  4. Hearing impairment 청각장애
  5. Intellectual disability 지적장애
  6. Multiple disabilities 복합장애
  7. Orthopedic impairment 신체장애
  8. Other health impairment (ex: ADHD, Epilepsy and etc.) 기타 건강장애
  9. Specific learning disability (such as dyslexia, dyscalculia,dysgraphia and other learning issues) 학습장애
  10. Speech or language impairment 언어장애
  11. Traumatic brain injury 외상에 의한 뇌손상
  12. Deafness 청각장애(농)
  13. Visual impairment, including blindness 시각장애 (맹 포함)

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The following are the 13 types of disabilities classified by IDEA. Students aged 3 to 21 who fall into these categories are eligible to receive services:

All Regional Centers offer similar programs, but each may also undertake different activities to meet the needs of their local communities. Understanding how a Regional Center operates can also be beneficial. You can find the Regional Center in your area by entering your zip code into the Regional Center lookup tool.


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